Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Pita口袋麵包在台灣只有在少數餐廳或咖啡館才提供,一般人大都還不知道什麼是口袋麵包,但在歐美早已是流行以久的街頭平民小吃.Biff's 提供平價,快速,健康,美味的pita,讓更多台灣人知道pita,並且不用花大錢到餐廳就可吃到美味的pita!

Biff's Pita 老闆是加拿大人,以前為翻譯,目前為自由作家.在家做菜已有20多年的經驗,喜歡川菜,泰國,印度,緬甸等重口味的料理.Biff's Pita 為Biff所研發市面上吃不到的香濃重口味料理.

Biff's Pita雖然只是一各小餐車,精選的pita口袋麵包跟sub潛艇堡是來自專門供貨給Friday's,雙聖等知名美式餐廳的廠商,香料則挑選上等進口香料,香氣芬芳,老少咸宜.在搭配上甜美多汁的小番茄,洋蔥,小黃瓜及生菜,健康低熱量.





Friday, December 14, 2007

...Biff's Pitas, a street stall that opened one month ago and has seen customers lining up to dig into some of the tastiest pitas in town. The owner, who calls himself Biff Cappuccino, is a Canadian who has lived in Scotland, Nigeria, Ireland, Uganda, the US and has spent the last two decades in Taiwan.
...My father had a tradition where he would never cook the same meal twice in one month," Biff said. "He loved to experiment preparing foods from different countries." Though the menu at Biff's is fixed, he said he applied his father's ethos by experimenting with his cooking methods before arriving at his current creations, which reflect his interest in Asian flavors.
...The proprietor says he can make his sandwiches as spicy or mild as the customer wants. My favorites are the Madras curry chicken and the Mexico Jalapeno chicken, extra spicy.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

This is one of our new Chinese fliers to spread the word, the glad tidings, the gospel of pita or some other such biz buzzwordy gobbledygook. All part of the learning curve. We'll be assembling a youtube rap video soon too. All part of the acquired shamelessness of bartering one's soul. Well I's be loving it so far. Biff...

Thursday, November 29, 2007

We offer whole wheat Pitas and unsweetened Sub bread, imported sour cream and spices, cherry tomatoes & cucumbers etc., and large helpings of sautéed chicken
PITAS & SUBS come in six flavors:
Madras Curry
Xinjiang Cumin
Fennel Seed
Szechuan Mala
Thai Tom Yam
Salsa & Jalapeno

55NT$ each or 100NT$ for two

w/ Salt & Pepper NT$35
w/ Basil Sauce NT$50
w/ Salsa & Sour Cream NT$55

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Phil is our unofficial culture czar and assimilation handler, leading us by the hand into the hallowed inner sanctum of The Other.

A brace of happy campers all around. Note the ambrosia induced euphoria on one of our victims... ha...
Regular Fries (NT$35) and Szechuan Mala Sub (NT$55)

Howdy: We've opened a stall selling Pita sandwiches (NT$55) and fried potato wedges (NT$35 and up) down by National Taiwan Normal University. We're at 121-1 Shi Da Road, right next to the second Watsons Drugstore, the one located near the intersection with Roosevelt Road. Our pitas are whole wheat and come in four rich Silk Road flavors (Madras, Xinjiang cumin, Fennel seed, Szechuan Mala) of grilled chicken plus lots of sour cream, chopped cherry tomatoes, cukes, etc. Potato wedges are deep fried and come in regular salt & pepper (NT$35) or with a creamy basil sauce (NT$50). Subs are made from quality unsweetened bread and come in the same flavors as our pita sandwiches. A fried beef and maybe even a vegetarian menu are in the pipeline. C'mon over!